Tokyo Light /Duo

  • Tokyo Light /Duo

Tokyo Light /Duo


composed by CHIEKO MORI in 2009

score includes:
A3 cover 1page + A4 black & white 12 pages (for printout)
with a color cover 14 pages (for tablet)

東京の夜の光景なのか、昼下がりの池に映る光の影なのかTokyo Light の光をどのように想像するのか一人一人違ったものであって欲しいと思います。それこそが異なる価値観を持つ人間の集まる東京の
Lightのような気がします。低い弦はB( 音階ではシ ) の音から始まり低音の効いた響きを表現して
います。ピッチを450Hz に合わせることにより華やかな印象を創り出しています。

No additional notes were added beyond the improvisational recording; it was transcribed exactly as performed.
Whether you imagine the scenes of Tokyo at night or the play of light on a pond in the afternoon, I hope that each person envisions Tokyo Light differently. This diversity reflects the essence of Tokyo, a city where people with various perspectives come together. The piece begins with the note B on the lower strings, creating a rich, deep resonance. By tuning to 450Hz, it achieves a bright and vivid impression.

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